Student • Dev • Ailurophile
Hello ~
21 y/o semicolon dev trying to build better web interfaces. taught by the web itself, I love php but I write typescript, I love mern stack but I use the t3-stack ~ cus theo said typesaftey isn't optional apparently & btw I don't use neovim.
I'm a student, a fullstack dev, oss fanboy, techical writer, shitpost creator, hackathon grinder, and somewhat of a gamer as well. I can write typesript, python, go, and I'm currently being forced to learn c & cpp for my uni courses.
I like minimalism and simplicity and I try to reflect that in my works as well. I often jam to music while working usually to genres like pop, synth, glitchcore, hyperpop, rock, and jpop. Meaningful and deep lyrics is what I look for in songs. My all time fav artist is EDEN. According to, I have listened to his songs a total of 5157 times as of now. Apart from this I also like playing FPS games like VALORANT, lifting weights, and binge watching shows on netflix.
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